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Hi Julian
it sounds like you are a little bit further down the line than me but sounds good. 
the BASIC stamp doesn't come with PWM as standard but i'm not too worried about that yet, simple stop / go control first then PWM when i have something that actually works.
I do want, like you, to have a digital compass and depth sensor and send the data to an LCD but i'm not too sure about the temperature?
i do want a 'hold at current depth' feature as that would be really useful.  also my video display was a bargain, 2 years ago, £150 for a 5.6" colour TFT with AV inputs.  i believe they are now under £100 brand new.
yes, it is a shame we are not closer, but then we do have the wonder of technology on our side.
i've managed to put a pic on the moki site just to show what i'm aiming for; http://www.prismnet.com/~moki/subfiles.html .
What are you aiming for normal operational depth?  i only want 10m (33ft) as this is still quite a repectable depth especially at twice ATM pressure and will allow me to explore inlets / harbour areas.  I have a 30m / 100ft tether so 10m depth will also potentially give me a 20m radius to explore.
speak again soon
 -----Original Message-----
From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org]On Behalf Of Julian Ford
Sent: 27 August 2004 12:24
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] UK psuber's / ROV

Hello again, Steve...sorry for the delayed reply.
You are right about microcontrollers...very cool things!  So much is possible with them.
My ROV, the Guppy, is a fairly simple construction (mostly PVC and ABS pipe).
It is a microcontroller in the control box which sends the pilot information serially
down to the sub itself which has 2 microcontrollers in it.  One is the main processor,
the other's primary job is to move the servo to which a camera is attached.
I use Pulse Width modulation for motor control (4 thrusters -- 2 horizontal, 2 vertical).
Fortunately, the PICs I am using have 2 PWM outputs each, so that part is quite easy.
I also have a depth sensor, digital compass, and external temperature sensor.  The data
is read by the main PIC, sent up the wire to the control box.  I don't have a display on my
control box yet, but I can plug my laptop into my control box.  The software I wrote for it
displays all the sensor info, and allows me to control the sub from there too (ie/ bottom
following, etc).
It sounds like you also have a very interesting project on the go.  Shame we don't live closer.
It would be fun to compare notes.  I am working with another fellow here on building an
autonomous sub also..we have had a few preliminary successes, but still have some more to do...
Keep in touch...