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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Old fishfinder antique

    Yesterday I was cruising garage sales with my wife when I found a strange animal at one we stopped at.  It was an old fish finder, about the size of a shoebox.  Instead of a lcd screen or the like, it had a clear window, openable by a latch, through which you could see paper set up to scroll, a lot like what you might see on a polygraph machine or an EEG.  The box was blue greenish like an old Toyota color and the brand name was a combo of two names, one of which I think was Sperry.  It looked at least '60's vintage, if not older.
    So, I don't know what this has to do with subs, besides the occasional chatter you hear about using fishfinders for a sonar or depth sounder or whatnot, but has anybody seen something like this before or got more info on it?  Sure wish I'd bought it.  Might have brought something on Ebay.

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