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[PSUBS-MAILIST] OT - Erik, u been watching the Oz news?
Hi Erik (and others),
sorry to go off topic but knowing u r overseas I thought you may not have been following the latest stuff going on.
check the sydney morning herald if you arent already - www.smh.com.au
It seems George W, Armitage and now Powell have all come out saying if we aussies don't re-elect Howard the Hegemonist we can kiss the the ANZUS alliance goodbye (and the Free Trade Agreement and just about everything else). Like a red rag to a bull!!
There are now only about 20 or 30 Australians left in the country that will vote for Howard (and not many of them are game to stand up and say it for fear of being lynched on the spot). Looks like some scientists like urself may soon be able to come back and actually find work :)
For any Americans reading this far, it should be noted that Australians mostly love you guys but we have some serious reservations about your 'upper management' - right now if GW tried to set foot in this country he would be shot.
BTW, my wife is american and I love her very much. the majority of my friends are also American, so I share your pain.
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