I was happy I could help out! It was exciting
to finally see a real PSUB in the water and operating! Like you said, if
only the water was clearer....The still pictures I took came out rather
disappointing but the video was a bit better. I will send whatever I have
to you and you can choose to post what you would like. Do you have a
broadband interenet connection? If so, I could possibly send the video and
pictures to you over the net. If not, send me your address and I'll send
you a CD with the stuff on it (it's not very long).
Again, congratulations and let me know when you
would like to try some clearer water....the St. Lawrence River would be
ideal...60-70 ft vis! If that's too far, maybe the Finger
Al Secor ARS: WA3PWX Scuba Instructor SSI PDIC TDI