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[PSUBS-MAILIST] How to trim and ballast bigger boats.

Hugo Marrero schrieb:
> And to me personally, ballast is everything. This
> applies to the time when I drove the Atlantis I, IV, IX, X, & XIV. These
> subs displace 80 Tons and the VBT in the 48 passenger boat has a capacity of
> up to 12,000 lbs of sea water. Even though they are mosntrous in size, the
> difference between a good pilot and a mediocre pilot (for these subs that
> is) is the ability to ballast the submersible properly.

Hi Hugo nice to here from you - how was the way to get the big boat with
all the differnet passengers quick in trim and ballast ?

regards Carsten

>From the archive files : 

Brian Cox schrieb:
> Carsten,  Please don't stop building  but if you get a chance -
> I would like to hear :   How to trim a passenger sub with the friendly kindness of the
> seabottom (Gran Canaria tourist sub)-
> Brian Cox

Just finished the last cut out for the stainless steel freshwater tank.
And cut a died tree in the garden in small pieces for or oven.. oil and
gas are expensive here.. and winter time is coming quick. 

Its over midnight here but I am not tired and so I will tell also this
story.. ;-) 

It was 2 years ago.. - one times a year my old studie-colleges and I
went for 3-5 days somewere to drink a beer or two - without our wifes
childs, dogs, cats, submarines or other parts of our families.. 

Normally we go sailing, windsurfing or para gliding or something like
that. But in this year we decide to go to Gran Canaria just to looking
into the sun.. and for colleges without wifes -looking for beach girls.

So we sitting on the beach - some guys looking for the nicce topless
girls - but I am married so I looking to the sea.. and saw a submarine
surfacing !! Much more intressting -  A yellow one. 


I research that and found out that in the harbour next to our beach is a
basis for a tourist submarine. 

For the reason that I never was inisde of one - and for the reason that
I want to learn how they trim this dammed slow and underpowerd huge
steel units.. All time other passengers - other weights - other seating
positions.. so I purchased a 48 USD/euro ticket and go in. 

The vessel went out of the harbour and I managed my seat just behind the
boths pilots..  

The pilot press some buttons.. some vales get open - obviously the
forward tanks more than the aft tanks. After a couple of minutes - the
boat hit the bottom in 18 m deep ( 60 feet) with the forward protector -
just in front of the pilot. The pilot press another button - maybe to
controll a pump.  Until the time the forward protector lifted a little
from the seafloor he stop to press the button and the boat was in

After this procedure he start to drive the boat to the old in two parts
broken fishing trawler wreck - and travel with a distance of below 2
meter (6 feet) between the parts ! 

I was not impressed by the way they trim the boat out.. but I was really
impressed how close they drive this 109 ts monster to the sharp steel
rests of the wreck. 

It is maybe a goo idear not to purchase a ticket for a tourist sub in a
area were the seabottom is deeper than then maximum work deep of the

Good night sleep well... Carsten

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