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Re: Reply to: [PSUBS-MAILIST] ABS - 3/17.1.1 - Normal Ballast Sy stem

Marten and Hugo,

Check with the "SeaLord", Doug Farrow. I believe a safety/standards
committee is in the works and slated for another presentation at the
next pSubs convention.


On Wed, 12 May 2004 10:08:40 -0400 "Marten Liebster"
<mliebster@tbteam.com> writes:
> Hugo, welcome back. 
> If a "standards movement" is started, I would like to help in any 
> way
> possible. 
> Marten
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org] On Behalf Of Hugo 
> Marrero
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 9:31 AM
> To: 'personal_submersibles@psubs.org'
> Subject: FW: Reply to: [PSUBS-MAILIST] ABS - 3/17.1.1 - Normal 
> Ballast Sy
> stem
> To All,
> I am forwarding this message, which I intended to post here, but 
> sent just
> to Vance by mistake. It is intended for all here.
> Thanks,
> Hugo
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hugo Marrero
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 6:25 PM
> To: 'VBra676539@aol.com'
> Subject: RE: Reply to: [PSUBS-MAILIST] ABS - 3/17.1.1 - Normal 
> Ballast Sy
> stem
> OK Guys,
> I re-thought my desicion, and it is really stupid of me to back off 
> from
> posting in this site. Submarines are my life and is what I love to 
> do.
> Everyone here seems to be a great person, and your honest comments 
> are
> refreshing. Sniff  ... sob... sniff.... LOL...
> I promise that I will keep my postings as impersonal and as 
> objective as
> possible. I do respect the fact that many here have the guts to get 
> in a sub
> made in their garage.
> Special thanks to Vance, Marten, and Steven for their frankness of
> expression and kind words, they are the main reason of my 
> re-thinking my
> stance.
> Vance, you are right on the money. I have been blessed to dive and 
> operate
> many different subs. And to me personally, ballast is everything. 
> This
> applies to the time when I drove the Atlantis I, IV, IX, X, & XIV. 
> These
> subs displace 80 Tons and the VBT in the 48 passenger boat has a 
> capacity of
> up to 12,000 lbs of sea water. Even though they are mosntrous in 
> size, the
> difference between a good pilot and a mediocre pilot (for these subs 
> that
> is) is the ability to ballast the submersible properly.
> As for the analogy between cars and subs, I respectfully disagree 
> with such
> comparison. Cars, ships, airplanes, homes, buildings, appliances, 
> diving gear, computers, toys, and just about any mass produced 
> product; all
> of them come in every kind of color, size, and persuasion. The 
> common trait
> between them is that they are all built under a basic core set of 
> standards
> designed to make these products safe. 
> Some of these products require a certain degree of knowledge and 
> skills to
> operate, such as, SCUBA diving gear, Cars, Aircraft, tools, boats, 
> etc..
> The basic operating standards and certifications established for 
> these
> products are designed to give the user a basic knowldge to allow the 
> person
> operate such equipment safely, and to ensure that all users meet a 
> minimum
> agreed set of knowledge and skills. Isn't safety the main purpose of 
> these
> standards? Does anyone honestly believe that these standards are 
> made by a
> bunch of bozo's who just want to  manipulate what you and I do with 
> our
> lives? 
> The standards set forth by the ABS, are the result of many years of
> development through the input (read heated arguments or  honest and 
> candid
> discussions) from many agencies including The Society of Naval 
> Arquitects
> and Marine Engineers (SNAME), The Marine Technology Society (MTS) , 
> the US
> Navy, the US Coast Guard, the US Department of Transportation, the 
> National
> Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Institute of 
> Electrical
> and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and  the American Society of 
> Mechanical
> Engineers (ASME, who set the standards for the construction and
> certification of Pressure Vessels for Human Occupation PVHO, which 
> includes
> manned submersibles). If careful consideration is given to these 
> documents,
> which are available to the general public, the reader will see that 
> the
> safety concerns raised by each of these bodies of knowledge were not 
> only
> valid, but sound. They were created with the intent to prevent or 
> minimize
> the inherent risks and accidents associated with manned submersibles 
> that
> would hinder (or completely shut down) the growth of an innovative 
> and
> potentially profitable industry.
> One of such publications is a book titled " International Safety 
> Standard
> Guidelines for the Operation of Tourist Submersibles" written by 
> John A.
> Pritzlaff, and published by the Society of Naval Arquitects and 
> Marine
> Engineers (SNAME). On the second sentence of the Foreword this book 
> it reads
> as follows: "It is our sincere hope that these safety standard 
> guidelines
> will see world-wide use and will serve as the basis for safe 
> operation for
> tourist submersibles". This book was dedicated to the late Frank 
> Busby, who
> many of us have in high regard. In the first sentence of the second
> paragraph of the Introduction on page 4, it reads: "These guidelines 
> were
> written as a safety aid to all who design, build, operate and ride 
> in
> tourist submarines". Later on in the third sentence of the same 
> paragraph it
> reads: "The purpose of these  safety guidelines is to promote and 
> maintain
> safety."
> These people raised their concerns after seeing an increase in the
> copnstruction and activity of tourist submarines. By defining safety
> standards, the tourist submarine industry became under regulation by 
> the US
> Coast Guard in the US and by International Regulating Agencies such 
> as ABS
> and Det Norske Veritas Worldwide. These agencies created the 
> standard by
> which others would be measured. Their justifiable concerns gave the 
> tourist
> submarine industry the edge they needed to move forward. If this is
> manipulative bunk, you be the judge.
> With this in mind I propose the creation of a set of standards for 
> Personal
> or Private submarines if you will. We could set discussions, 
> meetings, and
> agendas within an alloted time-line to bring arguments to the table, 
> look at
> what we can learn from the wisdom of publications like the one 
> mentioned
> above, and then come into an agreement which will serve as a guiding
> standard for the safe design, contruction and operation of Private /
> Personal submersibles. 
> I honestly believe that by giving our attention to these issues, 
> which I see
> raised over and over in this site, we can give direction and purpose 
> to our
> dreams of building and owning our own subs. And who knows, maybe 
> this could
> lead to the creation of a whole new industry. 
> Anyone interested? Please, post your sincere opinion. Lets get the 
> ball
> running!
> Thanks to all again!
> Sincerely,
> Hugo Marrero
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