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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] welding used steel
Yes, the tank was filled with CO2 when welding. The
tank was flushed out very well before anything was
done, then cleaned with degreaser. There were no
problems with cutting and welding the tank...Other
the smell, which passed after some time.
--- Fly Deep <flydeep4u@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Warren,,,did you use a explosion meter first,,a
> sniffer,,or did you just do it and weld on the
> pressure vessel...There is a guy down here that
> wants to o some welding on two big propane tanks and
> I'm a bit nervous,,,I had figured on flooding them
> with Co2 first...
> The steel must be cleaned with a de-greasing type
> cleaner, but it welds perfectly once surface
> cleaned.
> I can attest to this from personal experience. The
> other thing I can attest to is the smell of an old
> and heavily used propane tank once you cut into it!
> Wow! There is nothing as potent!
> Warren
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