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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] What PSUBS is, by psubber Walter Starck

Yes Mike.. 

And to the last tread : 

I think Stan is right - drop-weights in ambient boats make no sence - to
many risk with decompression illness. An ambient boat driver can be
easly escape with scuba diving equipment. 

Short Update Euronaut March 2004

The last weeks I build in the two filter-casing in the diver-lock out/in
chamber, also the two main filters-casings in the boat itself. 
All filter-casings and later fans are made from the same type and
mounted with quick acting concetion to prevent a Apollo 13 problem.. 

All 13 pressure bottle each 50 Liters size are now in the boat - the
outside bottles are in front of it and awaiting better weather and than

At the moment I build a electric conection board for the two
compressors, the two high-pressure bilge pumps and the machinery room

Some progress on the main-drive-plant also - Emile make a strong shaft
and a flange for me - and get a dome for that. I am now in the process
to connect the gear the shaft and the diesel in one line.  

Last week I badly dammage my hand during the work on the boat 
- but now she its on the way back to the old condition.. and to work.. 

Put some picture of the progress to :

;-) regards Carsten

Michael B Holt schrieb:
> If we answer this, it starts again.
> Mike