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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Intro & Manned Submersibles


My first post on Psub - thank you.

David Cutajar

-Washington Mi

--- Raymond Marcil <marcilr@rockhounding.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm been a solid lurker on the PSUBS mailing list
> for many years. I got 
> a copy of Busby's Manned Submersibles from Doug
> Farrow (many thanks!) 
> and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I took note of Jorge
> Lourenco's work in 
> scanning the entire volume and putting it online.
> For some reason, 
> mostly my own personnel satisfaction, I refactored
> Jorge's work. I 
> gutted the MS tags (sorry Jorge I'm a confessed
> Linux zealot), rebuilt 
> the table of contents, finished the subject index,
> improved navigation, 
> and generally fixed things up. The pages are still
> jpeg rasters, I 
> didn't have to stomach to OCR them. For the
> individual pages I wrote a 
> short bash script which generates an XML file for
> each page for each 
> existing jpeg image. The XML files are then ripped
> using an XSL 
> stylesheet into HTML wrappers. I used a similar
> trick with the subject 
> index. I entered all the index data manually into
> XML data files. This 
> took awhile, needless to say.
> Anyway, Please check out:
> http://www.rockhounding.net/busby/
> My web servers up speed isn't all that great but if
> you'd like to mirror 
> the /busby directory structure please have at it. I
> will leave this up 
> indefinately. If you see gross typos, fixes, or
> improvements to be made 
> please let me know. I use a lot of stylesheet tags
> so it is best viewed 
> with a modern web browser. I used Mozilla 1.3 while
> developing it.
> Fellow PSUBers enjoy!
> Raymond Marcil
> Anchorage, Alaska.