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On Sun, 18 Jan 2004, Gregory B. Snyder wrote:

>I don't understand why we would have to charge such a high price for
>membership just because the Busby was on-line.

	Nor do I, but I also think that the proposer's have something in
supporting the organization through those fees. For example, if we charged
$5 one time to join this discussion group, how much higher would the signal
to noise ratio be? :-)

>Wouldn't it be a matter of finding a sponsor who could cover the cost of
>hosting the data on a site.  With the text and pictures, I am not sure
>how many MB of data we are talking about, but I assume that it would all
>fit on one disc.

	Easily. My mirror of the Busby project runs about 107MB. Finding
hosts isn't usually the problem, but finding ones able to handle the work
and potential transfer rate is. Experience on my end of things says if you
have a server, and you have users, you will do work. It might not be much,
but some effort will be required eventually.
	Incidentally, tell me someone else has mirrored this work? I'd hate
to be the only backup of the online Busby effort.


John Brownlee
Chief Systems Administrator
Scary Monsters Network
jonnie at scarymonsters dot net