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I'm all for having the Busby for a DL off of a website.  I say that if a
person wants one, they pay $150.  But if the person is a member, they
get it for $45.  Numbers are just for the example provided.  I think
that way it could eventually benefit our group.  More member, paying
more membership fee, and non-members end up contributing anyhow.  

Sadly I know that will make membership more than even I can afford.  But
I don't see how it would be any benefit otherwise.

SeaLordOne@aol.com wrote:
> Shipmates,
> When I first contacted the Navy two years ago about the Busby Books, they inquired about our project.  They indicated that if we built a web-site for Busby, they might want to have a link to that site.  If we made CD's, they might want to give us as a supplier.
> Now my experience with the Navy has been that each new public affairs officer changes the Navy's tune, so this may no longer be the case.  But if Psubs sees some advantage to becoming the Navy's source for Busbys (the get 6-10 requests a year from the public), I will be glad to contact them again and see if they are still interested.
> Of course if we are, we have obligated ourselves to providing a service that may not contribute directly to our own goals.  I will leave that up to Ray and Jon.
> Doug Farrow

Spotted Owl...it's what's for dinner.