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[PSUBS-MAILIST] roadside objects (was bathtubs)

A friend recently took a long car trip to buy some antique engines, and told me he saw what looked like a sub, in a yard, up on a hill or bank, south of Minneapolis/St. Paul. He said it was white and with all the features you'd expect a submarine to have, in miniature -- like a cartoon sub, he said. It was along I-35, and he couldn't remember if it was before or after 35E and 35W re-merge. It looked like a place that had stuff for sale. Cars? Junk? Antiques?

Anybody happen to know anything about it? I remember at least one guy down in the cities was on the list.

(On Tuesday, January 6, 2004, at 10:42 AM, mheaster@direcway.com wrote:
As is fairly obvious to most; I haven't given much (any) serious thought to this concept. I really am in fantasy stage of my sub project. I really envison a wet sub as a scuba adventure and I am not planning/willing to take on any underwater project that I literally can't swim away from! I don't really expect to pursue this, it just OCCURRED to me as I have been thinking SUB and now looking at every roadside object I see during my 2 hours of daily commuting as a potential pressure hull. Has everyone else gone through this stage?

Happened to see a Bathtub flower garden (Very Tacky!)in a lady's yard and thought: Metal, fairly sturdy, semi-sub shaped? Two would fit together (enamel removed) for welding inside & out with a hatch/tower of some sort? I am not a welder and know nothing of strength of cast iron. I am also looking at mild depths anyway.)