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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] space station o2 generator- a candle to burn, status ryan's

In fact, an ISS status report dated 2 January revealed that several measures had been taken to infuse the station with extra oxygen. On both 31 December and 2 January the crew burned two oxygen-producing lithium perchlorate candles, called solid-fuel oxygen generators (SFOGs).

Found on New Scientist today.
Triply redundant o2 generators are OK by me.

Re: hull coatings - curious if worth use of teflon coating. Would reduce operating costs, and increase speed slightly.

Status of tree of life's sub: we lugged up one of the ballast tanks this weekend. Sadly, his boss's workshop was cleaned out by thieves, so welding the 30x7'dia. hull bits we chopped might go slowly. He has systems control elec tech to handle controls, somebody volunteered to spring for the half-a-hemispherical window, he found a one-atmosphere pressure valve for nearly free, etc. It's coming together. Bit chilly welding in c. -10c with wind chill too - don't think outside sub building is a canadian winter sport! Checked out local legalese on high pressure tanks -can get them.

Thinking I won't trust my own welds for anything important. Going 20x err on safe side on calcs. Settled on galvanized 24-5" water tanks, 5' long, with 2 semi-hemispherical end caps for passenger compartment. Advice while welding? Hope to try nearly ZERO hull breaches with that diode/laser/etc system- already thru-hull at that point. Any ideas on best way to release engine section behind it from inside? (It's at my feet, behind buncha batteries, rebreather and tanks). I was thinking maybe 3 levers with the lip pointing inwards that grab central nub, pull towards outside dia. to release. Ideas? I will be trying out lotsa engine/battery combos, all made out of garbage oil drums with straight wall chopped out. All effectively ambient pressure, due to water filled inside or compressed gas. What effect will (gas of x y z type) have on electric motor? Really like ambient pressure seawater battery, with oxygen bubbler, seal really just weather stripping caliber.

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