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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Welder with Vision

Is a DWG or DXF file available ? 
Or a scan of the drawing as JPG ? 
What kind of questions about the welds ?

regards Carsten (Naval Architect)

irox schrieb:
> Hi Rob,
> unforunately I can't recommend anybody to review your design, but I do
> hold some of your concerns.   Mainly - will people think we are nuts when
> we ask professionals to review our designs?
> Has anybody had/hired a professional engineer (in the appropriate field) to
> review your submarine designs?  Was it hard finding somebody willing to review
> them?  What where the reactions you where getting from people?
> Also how much did it cost to have the design reviewed professionally?
> Thanks,
>   Ian.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: robertbatta@comcast.net
> Sent: Dec 29, 2003 2:09 PM
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Welder with Vision
> Hello all,
> Hope everyones holidays are going well.  Here is my question, I am nearing the end of hull design for my 1ATM two man sub.  The next steps are to consult a welder to iron out the details.  Do to my lack of knowledge in steel fabrication, I would like a welder - the one doing the work - to look at my drafting and make modification suggestions if necessary.  For all I know, I could be asking for some angel that would require tremendous fabrication effort, and could be done another way.
> Does anyone know a welder in New Jersey or PA that wouldnt think I am out of my mind for building a sub ? ? ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Rob