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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] a 1atm dry sub or a potential coffin?
Hi Dewey - I think even a pilot of a 1atm dry sub should learn first at
least a basic scuba diving cource - just to understand the basics how a
human body works under pressure. There is in a good cource a lot of
physic knowledge to learn. And it give you the possibilty to flood the
bioat and get out - in the event thats the boat it catched on the
regards Carsten
Dewey Mason schrieb:
> Hey All,
> I just had to jump in here. I do so love these types
> of discourses. I agree with Robert about a one atm
> sub. The homework is super critical. However, an
> ambient boat is no less dangerous. I work day to day
> as a diver. I train divers to do work underwater, and
> in extreme circumstances. As such, I feel qualified to
> say, "If you are not an experienced, well trained and
> certified diver, keep your backside OUT of the seat of
> an ambient pressure sub. PERIOD. Even as a passenger".
> All of the hazards of diving apply in a sub, but the
> hard work of diving is mostly absent. Too easy to
> forget the time-depth factor, or more accurately,
> death factor. I've seen men bend, it is horrible to
> watch. I have recovered the bodies of several men who
> failed to heed the warnings of wiser men and done
> STUPID underwater. STUPID is FATAL in ANY hyperbaric
> environment. And the more comfortable the environment,
> the easier it is to go over your no-deco limits. At
> which time, if you are not prepared, both with the
> requisite knowledge and sufficient equipment to
> decompress, you risk an utterly vile death. This does
> not touch on the ares of oxygen toxicity, narcosis,
> CO2 poisoning, O2 deficiency, or a host of other
> potential ouches that one can find at depth. Get
> trained. WELL trained. Dive first, a lot. Learn,
> learn, learn. Then you will stay safer. Training and
> experience are the best life insurance. Anyway, enough
> doom and gloom. I just wanted to chime in on the
> wet-dry debate to point out that a wet sub is as easy
> to die in as a dry one. 1 atm or ambi-sub, homework is
> the only way to not wake up dead.
> Dewey Mason
> Abyss Marine Technologies