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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Prone pilot position
On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 00:02:13 -0500 "dino snider" writes:
>maybe. but face-down-forward does offer decent viewing
>without monitors. i do belive the faceup-back postion, with
>monitor, is more comfortable in the long term.
See previous comment, concerning water with limited visbility.
I really like the idea of laying on the back and looking up into the
monitor. However, the controls have to be at one's side -- which
requires lots of practice to hit all the right buttons. Also, there's
a psychological problem: one's body is moving in ways that the
instruments aren't reporting. We still tend to go with what we
feel rather than what we see.
I'd like to see some serious science aimed at this. It's an idea
that has value, but we may be missing something important and
simple that will make it practical.
Mike Holt
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