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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Replicas suitable for Arkansas

Michael: Very interesting-I am not familiar with the Louisiana boat. They are really the perfect repository though for such a craft. I won't go into in American Civil War history on the Mississippi now, but Louisiana has got it all. The famous gunboat CSS Arkansas is under a levee there. I think Cussler found it. I am leaving for New Orleans this Friday and be gone till early next week. More business than pleasure but I will try and take some time to look into more of this. At least get more information. Say you got drawings? I am going to the National D-Day Museum. I'll report on any "treasures" when I return. Emile: Danke, Vielen Danke für den  Website über dem Seehund. Es ist ausgezeichnet! Alles Gute! Mark

Mark E. Steed
Arkansas State University Museum
110 Cooley Drive,PO Box#490
State University, AR 72467-0490 
Tel#(870)972-2074 Fax#(870)972-2793
Email: plutomark@mail.astate.edu

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Michael B Holt <tlohm@juno.com>
Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Date:  Tue, 16 Dec 2003 11:15:39 -0500

>On Mon, 15 Dec 2003 09:16:43 -0600 "Mark Steed" writes:
>>Sorry for the late reply-I've had my head stuck in the books for the 
>>last few days. Final tests at school-I am beginning to think I am too 
>>old for this.
>I keep saying the same thing.
>> I would love to get a Seehund or Biber through or for 
>>our museum but it would never work here. 
>Is there a place where lots of Bibers and Seehunds were 
>> Our museum deals strictly 
>>with local/regional history with a big significance on the Mississippi 
>>River Delta area. A steamboat for sure, a Civil War Hunley, David or 
>>similar craft maybe, but not a WWII midget submarine, German or 
>You do have a submarine option, Mark.  Louisiana has in its State
>Museum a small sub they can't identify.   It was built during the Civil
>War, they assume.  I've been trying to talk everyone into doing
>what can be done to identify the source of the iron.  I have all the
>drawings  of the thing.  Want to built another one?  I was going to 
>build a plywood-and-sheet metal static replica, about 1/12th, but 
>I'm open to larger sizes and different materials.
>Mike Holt
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