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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Replicas suitable for Arkansas
On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 11:36:31 EST ToolRoomTrustee@aol.com writes:
>Mike Holt wrote: //> Louisiana has in its State Museum a small sub they
>> identify. It was built during the Civil War, they assume. //
> Has anybody tried checking out Burgoyne's SUBMARINE NAVIGATION PAST AND
> PRESENT? I may not have the title correct, but it came out in 1907
Sweeney says 1880! I thought it was about 1907 .... hmmm ......
> I remember checking it out of Seattle public library main branch in
late 50s
> and early 60s. That seemed to list EVERY submersible bult prior to the
> publishing date. Somebody either stole it or checked it out and never
> it as it's no longer in the SPL's card catalog.
We're a lot less civilizied now. Antique shops have lots of such books
in them.
>From what I heard, Burgoyne was the 19th-century Busby. I'd love to
have a look at that book. Or even a copy of it.
I'd doubt that all the Confederate subs made it into print. Much of
what was known about Confederate submarines was published in
French newspapers during the war. Almost all of the original
documentation was burned at the end of the war.
Mike Holt
>> Larry Murray
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><HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><FONT SIZE=3D2 PTSIZE=3D10
>=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Mike Holt wrote:
>=3DCITE style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px;
>GHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">Louisiana has in its State Museum a small
>sub t=
>hey can't identify. It was built during the Civil War,
>they assu=
>me. //<BR>
>Has anybody tried checking out Burgoyne's SUBMARINE NAVIGATION PAST
>ENT? I may not have the title correct, but it came out in 1907
>I remember checking it out of Seattle public library main branch in
>late 50s=
> and early 60s. That seemed to list EVERY submersible bult prior
>to th=
>e publishing date. Somebody either stole it or checked it out
>and neve=
>r returned it as it's no longer in the SPL's card catalog.<BR>
>Larry Murray</BLOCKQUOTE><BR>
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