Truly I don't know what to call it. A floodable 1 atm hull or a wet
that can be pressurized? I am exploring concrete as a very cheap pressure
hull that can be build in the middle of the Pacific Ocean,
(with limited manufacturing infrastructure).
I guess this design problem is reversed of most sub needing weight to
as opposed to this sub needing additional floatation to go up. Between
weight of the pressure hull and batteries it will clearly need additional
with the main hull flooded.
As far as the reason for a pressurized sub to "lock out" of, is because
of the
limited diving time. There is a huge advantage in being able to preserve
valuable "bottom time", going to and from the dive site.
Mahalo for your good questions!
Michael wrote:
Aloha MichaelI am trying for understand. You like make a wetsub out of cement, fill it with water so you can lay on your stomach and float comfortable like you are in the water when diving, and pressureize it so it no get crushed, yeah? Why you need pressurize em? Water no can compress. You fill em with water she no get the outside pressure. But how will it float? You fill a cement tank with water she gonna sink like one rock!
I no tease you but I think one regular kine wetsub is better for what you like.Thank you, Curtis Uehara