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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] A question on rebreathers and scrubbers
As small as possible while allowing the desired CFM
to flow through the desired surface area. I got good
air flow with 1mm size granules. The granules I was
using presented more surface area then a crushed
granule would, however, since it was built of of many
smaller bits and had a very rough surface. Note, also
that straight finely crushed lime would be more
and require a coarser filter (a good thing).
--- Ryan Johnson <tree_of_life_@hotmail.com> wrote:
> When lime is created for consruction purposes it is
> made from large pieces
> of lime stone (size of bowling ball) baked at about
> 1000 C for three days
> then crushed... I was going to do this then screen
> for size desired.... not
> sure what that would be...
> >From: Warren Greenway <opensourcesub@yahoo.com>
> >Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> >To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> >Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] A question on
> rebreathers and scrubbers
> >Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 08:10:35 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >Have you figured out how to granulate it? The
> method
> >I tried was to bake it in a tray and use a spray
> >bottle
> >to "spritz" water on the lime. I did this a few
> times
> >and stirred the lime each time before I did it.
> This
> >created nicely sized granules. I then baked one
> last
> >time to drive off the last of the water. Once you
> have
> >lime granules you can rebake without the
> granulating
> >hassle. Anyhow, the address is:
> >
> >Warren
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