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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Civil Submarine List
CurtisUehara@aol.com schrieb:
> Thank you Pierre,
> I think you are building a submarine now, am I right? How long does
> it take?
> Anyone else here have a submarine, or working on one?
> Thank you, Curtis Uehara
This is a list of civil Submarines and submersibles and were they are
Anybody how find this list in the Psub archive and have additional
information is welcome to copy the list and display them again
with the additionals in the Psubs-mails.
First Update date : 28.04.2002 - Carsten
Second Update : 05.12.2003 - Submadman
Third Update :
1 atm dry subs: (SS = Single seater, DS = Double Seater, date is
--------------- (?? = Info welcome)
Aluminmaut : Museum, USA (1964, USA),
Alvin : USA, operational (1964),
Amersub 300 : (1961, USA) now a Psub under reconstr., Steven
Amersub 300 : (1961, USA)
Amersub 600 : (1963, USA)
Amersub 600 : (1963, USA)
Aquarius I : (1974, Canada) ??
Aquarius II : (1976, Canada) ??
Aquarius III : (1976?, Canada) ??
Archimede : (1961, France) ??
Aries I : (1975?, Canada) ??
Atlant 1 : (1963, UDSSR) ??
Asherah : (1964, USA) now a PSUB,
Baby and Mama : Mark under construction,
Beaver MK IV : (1968, USA) ??
Benthos V : (1963, USA) ??
Bentos 300 : (1976, USSSR) ??
Bionic Dolphin : USA, Doc” Rowe and Dennis “Dusty” Kaiser,
Cap Nemo II : Psub, Mario and Sylvian Lamirande,
Cbug : Psub, Carl Stanley,
Ceptor : (1970, USA) ??
CLS-1 (Subview) : (1972?, USA) ??
Deep Jeep : (1964, USA, DS,) ??
Deep Princess : Psub, Kittredge style,
Deep Quest : Naval Undersea Museum, Keyport, WA, USA (1967, USA, 4S)
Deep Six : (USA ?) ??
Deep View : (1971, USA) ??
Deepstar 2000 : (1969-1972, USA, 3S,) ??
Deepstar 4000 : (1965, USA, 3S, ex "SM-35") ??
Deepstar 20000 : (1970, USA 80% build) uncomplete, ??
Delfin II : (1974, Poland)
DOWB : (1967, USA) ??
DSB-11 : (1965, UDSSR) maybe not build ?
DSRV I (Mystic) : (1976, USA), operational ?
DSRV II(Avalon) : (1971, USA), operational ?
Euronaut : Germany, Psub under constructiion 2005, Carsten
Standfuß, http://www.euronaut.org ,
Explorer : Museum, USA, Milford, CT, (1932)
Explorer : Psub, Alan Winick,
FNRS II : scrapped, (1948) pressure hull used for FNRS3
FNRS III : Museum, France, Toulon (1953-1961)
Freya : Denmark, Peter Madsen 2002 - operational,
Goldfish : (1958, USA, 4S) ??
Griffon : (1972, France) ??
Hagenburg : (1964, Germany) ??
Hagenburg : (1964 USA), Bob Reed called Porpus,
Hakugei : (1959, Japan, 6S) ??
Hakuyo : (1971, Japan, 3S) ??
Hikino (THS-1) : (1967, USA, DS) ??
HUV : A Psub, John Hylands
HX-1 : (1968, USA, DS) ??
Idabel : Psub, Carl Stanley,
Intrepid : Psub, USA, operational ?,
Jan Rio : Psub, Mario and Sylvian Lamirande,
Johnson Sea Link I : (1971, USA) ??
Johnson Sea Link II: (1975, USA) operational ?
Kraka : Denmark, Peter Madsen, under Construction 2004,
K-250 : (1975) ??
K-250 : Psub, operational, Dale Heinzig,
K-250 : Psub, opertioanl ?, Len & Dawny Foss
(maybe the Vast Mark III
K 350 : http://www.psubs.org/psub_pic/RogerRabbit.html
K-350 : Psub under reconstr., Vance Br., Florida, USA,
K-350 : Psub under constr., Dan H.,
K-350 : Psub under constr., John Farrington,
K-600 : (1976)
K-600 : George Kittredge, USA,
Kumukahi : (1969, USA, DS) ??
Kuroshio II : (1960, Japan) ??
Leo I : (1976, Canada)
Little Gato : Psub under Constr., Bill Gifford, 2003 now named =
LM-64 : (1964, Germany) ??
LTS-1(Grzs) : (1977, Poland) ??
Maklakai : (1971-74, USA)
Marin : Hendrik Ghesquiere,
Margenaut : Display, Florida, Fort Lauderdale, bad condition,
(other name Submanaut, 1956, 4S)
Marko 300 : (1968, USA)
Martin U 9 : (USA)
Mermaid I : (1971, Germany) ??
Mermaid II : (1974, Germany) ??
Mermaid III: (1974, Germany) ??
Mermaid IV : (1976, Germany) in Store, Germany
Mini Diver : (1968, USA) ??
Mona I : (1974, France) ??
Mona II : (1975, France) ??
Mona III : (1976, France) ??
Mona IV : (1976, France) ??
Mona V : (1976, France) ??
Monaco sub : Museum, Monaco, (DS, 1966),
Moray TV-1A: (1964-66, USA)
MTK 200 : Russia, http://www.psubs.org/psub_pic/rost.html
Nautile : Ifremer, France, operational,( 1984)
Nautilette : (1964, USA, SS) ??
Nautilette : (1964, USA, DS) ??
Nautilus Minisub: A Psub, Pat Regan, operational ?,
Nekton Alpha: (1968, USA, DS) ??
Nekton Beta : (1970, USA, DS) ??
Nekton Gamma: (1971, USA, DS) operational
Nemo : (1970, USA, DS, ??
Nereid 330 : (1970, Netherland), partl.scrapped,
Passengercabin displayed at Lemmer, NL in front
of a divebase.
Nereid 700 : (1977, Netherland) ??
Nishimura I: (1929, Japan, 4S), scuttled by US Forces after WWII
NishimuraII: (1935, Japan, 4S), scutteld by US Forces after WWII
No Name ? : A Psub under constr., Hank Pronk,
No Name ? : A Psub , Jeff Knutson
One Man Dry Sub : (1969, USA, SS) ??
Opsub : (1972, USA, DS) ??
OSA-3-600 : (1975, UDSSR) ??
PC 3 A-1 : (1964, USA, DS, "Cubmarine") ??
PC 3 A-2 : (1966, USA, DS, "Cubmarine") ??
PC 3 B : (1963, USA, DS, "Cubmarine") ??
PC 3 B : (1963, USA, DS, "Tech Diver") ??
PC 3 X : (1962, USA, DS, "Gaspergou") ??
PC 5 C : (1968, USA, 3S) "Nai'a, Andry")?
PC 8 B : (1971, USA) ??
PC 8 C : (1972, USA, DS, "Ps-2, Tudlik")?
PC 9 C : (1970, USA, 3S, Survey Sub, TS1)?
PC 12 : (1974, USA) ??
PC 1201 : (1974, USA, 3S,) ??
PC 1202 : (1975, USA, 5S,) ??
PC 1203 : (1976, USA) ??
PC 1204 : (1976, USA) ??
PC 1401 : (1974, USA, DS, "Diaphus" ??
PC 15 : (1973, USA) ??
PC 16 : (1976, USA) ??
PC 17 : (1975?, USA, ?) ??
PC 18 : (1977, USA) ??
PC 1801 : (1977, USA) ??
PC 1802 : (1977, USA) ??
PLC-4A : (1967, USA) ??
PCL-4B : (1968, USA. DS, "Shelf Diver" ??
PRV-2 : (1975, USA) now a Psub, Canada,
PRV-3 : (19??, USA) ??
PRV-4 : (19??, USA) ??
PRV-6 : (19??, USA) ??
PS-1 "Narwal" : (1972, USA maybe not build) ??
Pisces I : (1965, Canada) ??
Pisces II : (1968, Canada) ??
Pisces III : (1969, Canada) ??
Pisces IV : (1971, Canada) ??
Pisces V : (1973, Canada) ??
Pisces VI : (1976, Canada) ??
Pisces VII : (1975, Canada) ??
Pisces VIII : (1975, Canada) ??
Pisces IX : (1977?, Canada) ??
Pisces X : (1975?, Canada) ??
Pisces XI : (1976, Canada) ??
PX-8 Auguste Piccard : Museum, Swiss (1964)
PX-15 Benjamin Franklin : Museum USA (1968)
S-24 : (1963) ??
S-101 : (GB, S2) operational ?
S-102 : (GB, 2S) operational ?
S-103 : (GB, "Lula", 2S) operational, Azores
SDL-1 : (1970, Canada) ??
SM-64 : (1964) ??
SP-300 : (1959, France, DS, "Denise, DS-2, Diving Saucer, SP350") ??
SP-500 : (1967, France, SS,)
SP-3000 : (1970, France, 3S, "Cyana") operational ?
SR-600 : (1972, USA, 4S, "Sea Ranger 600") ??
SRD-101 : (1968, USA, DS, "Sea Ray") ??
Saga : France, operational, status 2003 in store ?
Saucy Sue : Museum, Historic Dockyard, Chatham, England, (SS, 1992)
Schelf I : (1977, UDSSR) ??
Sea Cliff : (USA, 1968, 3S) operational ?
Sea Explorer: (1970, USA, DS, "X-700") ??
Sea Otter : (1967, USA, DS, "Paulo-1") ??
Seahorse I : scrapped, Esast asia
SeahorsdeII: In Store, Germany
SeahorseIII: In Store, Germany
Severyanka : (1957, UDSSR) ??
Sewer II : (1969, UDSSR), http://www.psubs.org/psub_pic/rost.html
Sgt.Peppers: Museum, Asendorf, Germany (still a Psub)(SS)
Shinkai (U26): (1968, Japan)
Shrimp : (1970, USA, SS) ??
Skadoc 1000: (1971, Netherland)
Solo : Psub, USA, Alec Smyth,
Snooper : (1969, USA, DS,) ??
Spurdog : Psub, Netherlands, operational as harbourhousehome, sold
Star I : (1963, USA, SS) ??
Star II : (1966, USA, DS)
Star III : (1966, USA)
Submaray : (1961, USA, DS)
Submanaut : (1964, USA, DS) in Store USA
Submanaut : (1958 sea at : "Margenaut")
Tadpole : in Store, Netherlands
Tarus 1 : (1976, Canada)
Taylor Sub : Psub under reconstr. Alan D.Secor,
Tigerhai 1 : Anders Lundin (a Psub), Denmark, (1963, Germany,
Tigerhai 2 : Museum, Speyer, Germany, (1963, Germany, DS)
Tinro II : (1973, UDSSR)
The Cap Nemo II : A Psub, Mario & Sylvian Lamirande
Thetis 1 : (1972, UDSSR)
Tours 64 : (1970, Germany) ??
Tours 66 : (1972, Germany) ??
Trieste : Museum, Washington, USA (1953)
Trieste II : Museum, Keyport, USA (1964)
Turtle : (1968, USA)
Two Man dry Sub: (1970, USA) ??
URF : (1978, Sweden) operational ?
VAS 525 : Greg Mooney, commercial,
Vast Mark III : (1967, USA = First K-250)
Vindicator : Psub, Gary Boucher, operational ,
VIP : (1972, USA) now a Psub
Viperfish : (1968, GB, SS) D.S.Taylor Loch Ness GB, in Store ?
VOL-L1 : (1973, USA, 5S) ??
VOL-LR2 : (1975, USA, 3S) ??
VOL-LR3 : (1977, USA, 3S) ??
VOL-LR4 : (1977, USA, 3S) ??
Waterbeatle: Psub, Bill Smith
X1 : Museum, Annapolis, MD (1955 not real civil)
Yellow sub : Jonathan Shawl, http://www.yel-o-sub.com/
Yomiuri : (1964, Japan, 5S) ??
Dry ambient subs :
Dry Ambient Glider: in Store, privat, non opertional, at Psubs
Wet Subs :
Aquamobil : (1962, GB, 3S) ??
Diogenes I : (19xx, Germany, SS) scrapped
Explorer I : (60ies, GB, SS) ??
Havas Mark II : (1968, France, DS) Toulon, Museum de la Marine
KS-1 : (1970, Japan, DS) ??
KS-2 : (1970, Japan, DS) ??
No Mame ? : A Psub SS, operational, Ken Martindale,
No Name ? : Guy Morin, http://www.psubs.org/psub_pic/GuyMorin.html
Mai-3 : (1967, UDSSR, DS) ??
Maljutka : (60ies, UDSSR, DS) ??
Mini Sub : (USA) ??
Phoenix 66 : (1966, Italy) ??
Seahorse II : (1965, Italy) ??
Scubasub-300 : (1970, USA, DS) now a Psub, Tom Peacock,
Shark Hunter : (1969, USA) now a Psub, Frank Querzoli,
Shark Hunter : (1969, USA)
Sport Sub III : Gregory Snyder, called Delphine,
Swimmer Sled :
Total Sub 01 : (1969, France, 5S) ??
Trass III : (60ies, Italy) ??
Wetsub : (1970, Netherland) ??
X-3 (DTV-2) : (1972, GB, DS) ??