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The television coverage of the PSUBS.ORG convention from August 2003
aired Monday night 12/1/03.  I taped it and will provide copies as soon as I
get permission from the station and the time to transfer the image.

Harold Maynard, Pierre Poulin, and Doug Farrow were all shown with
their subs as expected.  They also showed footage of "Lake Diver"
in the water from footage that was provided by Harold.  All three psubbers
did an EXCELLENT job speaking about their subs and appeared very
relaxed and friendly on tv.  The segment included Pierre telling about his
experience coming over the border into the US, and Harold talking about
a 15 foot "snaggle-tooth" shark that he saw during one of his dives.

I was disappointed however that the editors cut out any mention of
PSUBS.ORG.  In fact, had I not known what the show was about I would
have no clue why three guys were standing in a parking lot with some
submarines.  There was no mention at all about the convention or why
we were all there.  Neither Ray's nor my interview in which we talked
about the organization was aired.

The beginning of the segment was set to the tune "Yellow Submarine"
by the Beatles.