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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] 2003 Award Nominations

I'd like to nominate John Maynard for the Kittredge Award for the
beautiful execution of his K350. He hauled it an awful long way to
attend the convention, and was infinitely patient with all of us who
crawled over, under, and inside it for days on end. I think everyone
benefited enormously from seeing how he had built so many details that
are lost in print or on screen.



-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Keefer [mailto:Ray.Keefer@Sun.COM] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 11:44 AM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] 2003 Award Nominations


It's December and it is time to discuss the 2003 PSUBS Awards. Please
submit names of deserving PSUBers for the below categories. 

	The Kittredge Award: 	for designing or building excellence
				in small submarines

	The Busby Award: 	for excellence in technical writing on
				small submarines

	The Beach Award: 	for non-technical writing that promotes 
				submarines in general.

	The Link Award: 	an award for someone that either
				to oceanographic research using a PSUB, 
				or constructs an innovative design 
				component for submersibles.

Here is  the schedule for this year:

        01 Dec 2002 - 18 Dec 2002       Nominations
        18 Dec 2002 - 31 Dec 2002       PSUBS picks winners
        01 Jan 2003                     PSUBS announces winners
        01 Jan 2003 - 16 Jan 2003       Winners review layout of plaque
                                        any typos
        17 Jan 2003 - 31 Jan 2002       Plaques are made
        01 Feb 2003 - 14 Feb 2003       Plaques are photographed and

A jpeg of the prototype plaque can be found at:

