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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Interesting surplus gear for subs

Major Surplus and Survival- http://www.majorsurplusnsurvival.com
Catalog #11-2003

Page 2- "IDF 'SEALs' sub.  Used for training Israeli Defense Force (IDF)
'Frogmen' as a guide for diving operations.  Powered by an electric
engine (sic) that is fed by two 12 volt rechargeable batteries.  Battery
charger is not included due to electrical current differences.  Any
inexpensive 12 volt (I presume they mean 12 VDC) unit will work to
charge batteries.  The sub can run for two hours after recharging. 
Measures 5' long x 1 1/2' wide.  As new condition.  Weighs 110 pounds
(242 kg, at or about).  Please call for shipping charges."  Item
#8-6808  Price: $3,995

Back Cover- "German Field Periscope with Zeiss Optics...9 feet tall (3
meters, at or about) in 3 foot sections (one meter, at or
about)...precision driven worm gear driven adjustable mirror...allow(s)
for 360* horixontal observation...7.2 power magnification and 8 degrees
field of view...has resolution limit of 8.5 sec. (sic) and exit pupil
diameter of 3mm...excellent condition...comes with elnglish
translation...weighes 80 pounds (176 kg, at or about).  Item #8-6809 
Price: $499

And you can also find other neat stuff in there, not exactly related to

This is not spam nor do I get anything out of providing this
information. with exception for hopefully helping someone find something
they have a use for (and can afford).

 "With the first link, the chain is forged.  The first speech censured,
the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied....chains us all
irrevocably.  The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we are all
damaged."  -- Capt. Picard, STNG