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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Ambient pressure design considerations

In a message dated 11/14/03 4:16:31 AM Pacific Standard Time, jorloujr@uol.com.br writes:
You've said: "The Sport Sub has a 'continuous flow' cabin air flush, but the
drawback is that the air consumption is high."

I've taken this as a generic statement on continous flow systems and now I
realize that you were talking specifically about the Sport Sub gear. I'm not
familiar enough with the SS to agree or disagree. What's it's air feeding
rate ?

Question: Would you think that a continous flow system (air, scrubberless)
will always lead to a high air consuption rate ?
Generally speaking, a continuous flow system *will* result in a higher air consumption rate *relative to* a rebreather-like system (scrubber).  Depending on the flow rate you set, it may even result in a higher consumption rate than standard SCUBA (wherein the consumption rate is at least directly tied to metabolic consumption/exertion).
Warm Regards

"To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour."

-- Auguries of Innocence, William Blake, ca 1803