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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Off-Topic Personal Announcements; More Toys

Congratulations David,

Both the child and the boat look beautiful.

Thijs Struijs

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Buchner" <buchner@wcta.net>
To: "psubs list" <Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 3:48 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Off-Topic Personal Announcements; More Toys

> Apologies: I have fallen behind in my reading again, and all I have to
> contribute are more side-topics.
> 1. Sonar Room
> For those not already in the know. My wife and I have become dry-land
> end-users of high-resolution active sonar:
> http://customer.wcta.net/buchner/symbiote/index.html
> ...so anyway, there'll be a new p-subber, likely female, round about
> the middle of March.
> Which will only exacerbate my toy-purchasing problem. As it is, as a
> childfree 35-year-old, I already have more toy guns, spaceships, boats,
> and action figures around my house than some people with children do.
> We're going to need a shed.
> 2. Toy Report; mini-ROV scheme
> Last Christmas, it was those micro r/c cars, an inch or two long. A
> year later, the basic technology has evolved into various other
> applications: tanks, monster trucks, stunt cars... and... BOATS. I
> spent $15 at Walmart last week for a 5-inch-long speedboat I can drive
> in my aquarium. It's super-neato fun.
> The coolest thing about it is that it steers by having two separate
> thrusters which can be operated independently, forward or reverse. It's
> really maneuverable -- and the motors are in little pods which look
> like they're glued on separately. This means one could stick them on
> other things, like my American S&S "WWII Gato Sub" whose motor has
> already rusted up.
> I believe I posted some months ago, about the micro r/c subs I'd seen
> reports of from Asian toy expos and was wishing would hurry up and come
> here. Still haven't seen one -- but these boats provide better
> ready-made parts to make my own than the cars did. With thrusters and
> electronics from two of them, one could make a TEENY-TINY p-sub with
> depth control and everything.
> Could be a cool science fair project, or an indoor winter sub for those
> of us in the frozen tundra zone.
> Soon, I'll be diving with my turtles...
> http://customer.wcta.net/buchner/turtdex.html
> 3. Not submersible... hopefully!
> But for anybody interested: we finally acquired one of those vintage
> aluminum runabouts we've been dreaming of. A couple pictures at the top
> of...
> http://customer.wcta.net/buchner/index.html
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