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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: more wireless communication, 'n unorthodox innie/outie power supply

 to increase
> the bandwidth on a low frequency carrier wave. You can
> use stepped modulation and demodulation to get much
> higher bandwidth while retaining low frequency. Also,
> a little compression goes a long way. You could
> communicate quite comfortably at 9600 baud (Although
> transfering charts or images would be painfull.)
many thanks. what is multiple of information gained - i would need, like, 3x to match 802 capacity right now, looking at aura comminication's headphone set. I'm hoping my office'll go for them. I think I can 'roll my own' directional/varied range thingies. Hell, dunno what they're called yet. Rarely seems to matter. They use a chip. 
Asking their rep why they don't use the magnetic field to power headphones also - why bother with batteries??? Like idea of no physical plug for puter, dual purpose out/inport 'n power recharger. D. Makes sealing in block of acrylic viable. 
(Polite request - please only include key original tracts that one is referring too - some of us have really slow modems. Thanks.)