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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Prone position.. was Re: Carsten: Sgt. Pepper

Hi Michael,

I don't have any anecdotes about the diving saucer, however I believe there is a
world of difference in volume, height, and ability to turn around inside the
saucer. Inside a narrow tube you couldn't do any of this.



Quoting Michael B Holt <tlohm@juno.com>:

> On Sat, 8 Nov 2003 19:40:07 EST NeophyteSG@aol.com writes:
> >
> >The plan is not so much "suspended" as it is strapped to the upper 
> >hull and supported by an inclined pad.
> Have you tried that?   I'd like to know how it feels.
> I don't recall reading any comments from Cousteaus's staff 
> on the prone positions in the little subs he built.   Does anyone
> know of any such reports?
> My first sub sketches were for a boat with a prone pilot. Then 
> I tried it -- age about 13, on the floor in my bedroom -- and my
> biggest memory is the pain my shoulders.
> My next idea was to have the pilot on his back, looking into
> a large mirror.   But the diference between was was seen
> and what motion was sensed seemed to be too great a 
> gulf for serious consideration. 
> The XP-79 had a Y-shaped device on which the pilot would 
> rest his chin.   Unfortunately, the airplane -- in all its versions
> over two or three years -- does not seem to have collected
> enough flight time to test that idea.
> Michael
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