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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Science Fair Project


Check this site:



The gentleman was a Navy Diver. Perhaps he can answer your questions.


On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 15:26:32 -0800 atozed@juno.com writes:
> I'd like to (have my third grade daughter) sink a camcorder over 
> 1,000
> feet deep (or so) in Lake Tahoe, and bring back a video a depth 
> gauge,
> and of the stuff we put by it being crushed.
> Some ideas: Flanged pipe with acrylic window, camcorder and 
> flashlight
> inside, oil-fill a gauge made for air pressure, use steel and 
> aluminum
> cans, bottles, styrofoam. Use a fishing pole to deploy and recover. 
> Your
> input is invited!
> Thanks in advance, -Peter

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