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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] fascinating stories
I do belive your a bit salty, but then where's the
harm in that?
--- "Gregory B. Snyder" <snyder@mnrad.com> wrote:
> Nice story Carsten -
> I need more time to drink beer...
> Greg
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org] On
> Behalf Of Carsten
> Standfuss
> Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 4:59 PM
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] fascinating stories
> SeaLordOne@aol.com schrieb:
> >
> > Carsten,
> > Spurdog story #1 please.
> > Doug Farrow
> Its short before midnight here.. I am just back from
> the yard - no joke-
> our storekeeper keep out some tons of galvanize
> steel bolts and nuts to
> the scrappplace. All unused in the original boxes.
> Because we use on
> ships in 2003 and since years only stainless steel..
> so I ask the my
> boss - and now I have bolts and nuts to outfit about
> 20 submarine
> newbuildings - Trident class size..
> Its a good time to tell a small submarine tale..
> It was an on a small planet far away from my
> homeport here in Germany -
> the planet was called "The Netherlands". The only
> other private
> submarine builder I know during this long forgotten
> period million years
> before the Internet - say about 1990..
> A small harbour - called Massluis not far away from
> a big port called
> Rotterdam. There was a small submarine pen basis for
> german midget
> submarine during Worldwar II - long unused - only
> cows and pigs there
> since decades.
> But then a small group of 2-3 motorbikers saw during
> the mid 80ies
> the film "Das Boot" - and the were so facinate that
> the decide to build
> there own.. The worked many hours in a tomato farm
> to make money for the
> steel.. Than the build there first sub - a very
> small and simple two
> seater with a 60 hp car petrol engine just to learn
> - run then sub 2-3
> times - and scrapped it. Just to build the real
> thing. The unit was 20 m
> long, 2,4 meter diameter and look like a little like
> a german war
> submarine of WWII.
> ( http://www.psubs.org/pic/spurdog.html )
> After about 3 years - many girlfriends and wifes and
> about 70000 USD
> later the 60 ts monster was ready to launch. During
> this time I build
> the Sgt.Peppers here in Germany. We get in contact -
> wrote some letters
> - and later on during the habour festial - my
> girfriend and I visit our
> new friends. It was a nice harbour festival and on
> the next day the both
> girls decide to go shooping or to do what ever girls
> do.. when here mens
> decide to drive the submarine just out the harbout
> for a beer or two..
> Robert and I put the nessesary equipment in the boat
> - mostly a 24 x
> 0,33 liter box of beer. We drunk a beer or two
> during the time he make a
> saftey instruction ("Start button here - Stop button
> there.) and than we
> free the boat from the ropes. We run the boat in the
> direction to the
> sea - what means change the direction all 2 Minutes
> because the town was
> small - but the habour was big..
> After 20 Minutes and one or two beers later we saw
> the open sea !
> We leave the harbour and.. c-r-u-n-c-h the boat goes
> from 7 knots to
> zero and the bow raised a little - and Robert
> shouted : "Dammed
> sandbank - its still there.."
> We use our stop for a very welcome beer and think
> about the situation..
> Than Robert told : We never blow the ballsttank
> complete - the last 20%
> cost to much compressed air. And we decide to blow
> the forward tank
> complete and even the aft. I turned handwheels big
> as in a car and the
> air whistle to the tanks.. A minute later outside
> Robert saw the bubbles
> from both side of the hull - put the engine to full
> reverse and we get
> the monster free..
> We decided that today is not the day to dive and
> drive it back to the
> harbour - mostly because we want to go to the pub
> for a beer or two.
> Years later the boat was sold and many years later I
> became a good
> friend of
> Walter, the new owner - since some years my wife and
> I visit him one
> time a year - than we sitting in the sub - drinking
> in the sub bootles
> of beer or other alcoholic.. I was many times in
> this sub.. Last month
> Walter was here to see my boat and to tell us that
> he sold his boat -
> because he gets to old.. And we drunk a beer or two
> in my new submarine
> - its now more or less a tradition. Only the people,
> boats and places
> changes sometimes.
> How often I dived with the Spurdog in the 16 years
> of here existence ?
> Hmm.. never.. why I should ?
> Good night fellows.. Carsten
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