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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Nickel Sodium Chloride Batteries / ZEBRA

On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 12:57:10 EST
NeophyteSG@aol.com wrote:

> The Subeo referenced in a posting recently uses them with an operation depth 
> of 50m-100m.  Great characteristics but the 300C/572F operating temp concerns 
> me.  

I think a lot of this depends on whether it's the battery's internal
operating temp, or if it's how hot the batteries get on the outside
and needs cooling.

If it's all internally stored heat, which doesn't require the operator
to remove the heat, then all you have to be concerned with is a box with
300C hot spot in it.  If you don't have to cool it or let it vent, then
it could be put in a sealed 'fire-proof' box, hopefully keeping it safely
away for any other problems, such as high levels O2 or some explosive
gas in the cabin.

For smaller submersible, cooling a 300C/572F battery could prove
problematic, but for a large sub (CSSX and Ben Franklin size), then
the excess heat can be used for otherthings, such as destilling sea
water to get drinking water, heating the human occupied compartments,
also heating water for personal hygiene use.

Carsten, I remember you talking about use H2 fuel cells on the CSSX,
do you have any plan for heat recovery, for heating or a water still?
