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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Kittrege Book Offer Officially Closed


I am Officially Closing the generous offer by George Kittredge to distribute
his book "I Found Israel's Atom Bomb Factory". The offer was opened up on Mon, 15 Sep 2003 and it is now Thu, 29 Oct 2003. Any one who was interested had
over a month to get on the list. Any one who hung back to see if the offer was real or not, too bad. Door closed.

Below is the list of names I sent to him. If you are not on the list and DID
request a copy before today. Please contact me at ray@psubs.org and I'll see
if I can correct my mistake.

When you get copies please let the group know. I'll track who has gotten copies.

Please send George a Thank You note.

Name			Comments
============		================
Ian Wright
Al Secor
Pierre Poulin
Gene Seus
Mike Caudle
Jon Wallace
Daniel Lance
David Walls 
Alec Smyth 		received copy
Roger June
Steve Bosworth
Ron Leonard 
Dan Butler
Jorge Lourenco Jr.
Steven Mills
Peter McKellar
Dale A. Raby
Marco Zeeman
David Carnes
Brian Cox		received copy
William Alford
Chris Nugent		received copy
Mark E. Steed
Dave Altis
Michael Holt
Thijs Struijs
Jeremy Crawford
Trent McNelly
Warren D. Greenway
John Perkins		received copy
Stan Freihofer
Carl Kem		Oops, I sent in your name today
Adam Lawrence		I am checking with George
