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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Busby Scan

Sliced really does make it pretty simple.  Assuming 
the pages are in good enough shape to scan
automatically.  We do manufacture the world's best
black and white production scanner that is over 60
pages per minute.  You'd be suprised at how few people
really want high speed scanners these days, with most
documents generated electronically to begin with.

My company bundles the scanner with all sorts of fancy
adobe type stuff for creating special pdfs and all
kinds of document manipulation.  I must confess I have
never learned how to use them, although I have people
in my group who do.  

I would still be happy to scan it in and convert to
.pdf or any other format someone wants.  If the pages
are mostly line drawings, they will compress pretty
darn well with not much loss.  I wouldn't worry about
jpgs or gifs for that matter either.  A lot depends on
the input quality of the document.  If you are
scanning a half tone or continuous tone, things are a
lot different.

It's probably more time efficient for me to sit down
and figure out the software and get it hooked up to
one of the scanners than it is for someone to stand
next to a 4 page per minute flatbed for a week.  I
will be pretty busy over the next few weeks but should
have time to fit it in within a month or so.  And if
you want a CDROM, fine, they're about 10 cents a
piece.  But if you want it printed out and mailed to
you, I'd just want some reimbursement for the mailing
costs.  I'd take the paper out of my department paper
budget as long as I don't get about 500 requests!  If
that fits in with the timeframe everyone wants, let me


--- Jari Siikarla <jari.siikarla@vertex.fi> wrote:
> Hi
> I just want to make some thing clear to everybody.
> (So no real contribution to the matter here :(
> Sliced Busby's is a good news.
> With that you can scan the whole bunch automatically
> (propably in several pathes, but still less work
> than scanning
> 700+ pages by hand)
> Single or double sided scanner doesn't matter as
> long as you save
> pages in separate files.
> There are PDF's and PDF. You can have the _picture_
> of tha page
> inside PDF (jpg-compressed) or you can have the text
> as text and
> pictures as pictures. Then you can use "find",
> "create indexes", etc.
> functions on the text  (And the resulting PDF is LOT
> smaller)
> To get scanned picture (of the page) to text you
> need to use
> OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software (or
> type it by hand ;).
> When scanning, use decent resolution (300dpi in good
> if the contrast
> on the scan is good. Higher resolution is better,
> but eats up you HD fast).
> Save the file in lossless imageformat (you can
> always ZIP it if it is not
> compressed format (GIF for one uses ZIP algorithm)).
> The JPG is good to store pictures that are viewed by
> human eyes as
> it loses info that eye can't see, but software will
> be affected by this
> missing info. (And JPG is not good compression
> method on B/W
> text pages. Excellent on grayscale or colour
> pictures though).
> The best way I can see is having the scanner and OCR
> software
> in the same place. They are propably compatible
> together and
> you don't need to transfer all that data around.
> JohnM you had access to commercial grade fast
> scanner&OCR ?
> If you can use all you charm to get a competent user
> to show you
> the ropes, that would be the fastest way to do it.
> I'll chip in for a bottle of good Cognag for the
> rope shower ;)
> (BTW why does SI has nanoseconds, but no nano
> minutes or hours ? ;)
> Jari

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