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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] New to PSUB (measurement units)

	At the risk of belaboring the point further ...

On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Erik Muller wrote:
>I dont think that anyone can claim that it is ok to have to do
>many conversions. The key point in the case of the mars probes
>is that if the system was consistent from the beginning, the
>problem would not have occurred. At least, not THAT particular
>problem, one less. Scientists and engineers in NASA should
>know better (sorry if that was you, but there you go, im sure
>the lesson is well learned).

	This perception stems from the fact that most people in the US are
unaware that NASA does not build spacecraft, and has not for some time.
Contractors like McDonnell-Douglas or Boeing build the spacecraft, NASA
only operates and manages them. Walk into Boeing and tell them everything
must be laid out in SI, and they will be happy to if you are willing to
retool their shops. Managing the data interchange between dozens of these
contractors is where the break-down occurred, and that interchange will be
required no matter what system is in place. The English vs. SI debate only
made it a better headline, but in reality that conversion takes place every
day in space flight ops any time data passes from a science-type to an
engineering-type as contractors on the mission.
	No offense taken. I was long out of the space exploration business
by the time things went to fly, and even then I just made the instruments.
Spacecraft are the domain of engineers, who are programmed in the US with
the English system until their noses bleed.
	Dropping my horse-whipping switch now. :-)

						Thanks everyone,


John Brownlee
Chief Systems Administrator
Scary Monsters Network
jonnie at scarymonsters dot net