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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] escape & rescue

Sorry for straying off the topic a bit.

I was watching an episode of StarTrek: TNG last night.

There is no joystick or yoke at navigation and helm control. In fact,
most operations are executed thru "manual typing".

Considering the typos and spelling errors in my pSubs messages
can you imagine a pSubmersible of the future where all ops are typed-in?
I can see myself pressing the wrong sequence of keys, blowing ballasts,
throttling up, and set for down plane.....sayonara!

I should have taken that typing class elective in HS. Mavis Beacon

Oh yea, one more thing.  I've never seen the forward viewer on the bridge
get the "blue screen of death".  Can we safely assume MS doesn't survive
into the 24th century therefore no Windows ver 24?

again, sorry for straying off course,
