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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] FYI: U-166 Mapping Project

>Ray Keefer writes:
> I had to use the URL: http://www.navalships.org/u166.html
> Regards,
> Ray

Thanks Ray.  Darn Windoze!  I copied and paste the url and the "l"
was clipped.  Part of my message was clipped, too...go figure.

As long as we're on the subject of sub-history and U-Boats, Mike Holt
brought up
a reference to me "offlist" that I consider a "must have" book.

"The Type XXI U-Boat: The Anatomy of The Ship"
Eberhard Rossler and Fritz Kohl
ISBN: 1-59114-887-1

It's available in German and English.

The drawings and schematics are excellent!


> Steven Mills wrote:
> > 
> > >sdeco@prodigy.net writes:
> > > Very Interesting work on the U166.  What are the meetings in St.
> > > Louis
> > > (SHA/CUA) that are mentioned?
> > >
> > > Karl S. Luttrell
> > > Science Diving & Environmental Co.
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > "Society for Historical Archaeology" ....."Conference for 
> Underwater
> > Archaeology"
> > 
> > It is an annual conference that highlights past, current and 
> future
> > projects.  It
> > Archaeologists submit papers for presentation and peer review.
> > 
> > Here's a little more info on U-166
> > 
> >    http://www.navalships.org/u166.htm
> > 
> > --Steve