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[PSUBS-MAILIST] FYI: U-166 Mapping Project

U-166 Mapping Project 2003


Between October 5 and October 9, 2003 a project was undertaken to
the archaeology and biology of the German U-boat 166 located in the Gulf
Mexico.  The wreck site was originally discovered in 2001 but no mapping
took place due to time and equipment restrictions.  The 2003 expedition
a collaborative effort between NOAA's Office of Exploration, C & C
Technologies, Inc., Sonsub International, and the PAST Foundation.

The site investigation used a Long Base Line (LBL) positioning array of 5
transponders set on the seafloor in conjunction with C-NAV global
positioning system to position the ROV and document wreck remains at a
depth of nearly 5,000 feet.

During just under 4 days approximately 300 individual artifacts or groups
of artifacts were documented on the site.  Fifty-seven (57) hours of
and 1800 still photographs were taken.  Each artifact located was
photographed and a position fix taken on it using the ROV.  The project
utilized a SonSub Innovator ROV for the project and Pharos positioning
software from Sonardyne.

For more information on the U-166 and to read the daily updates that were
sent from the field go to www.pastfoundation.org and click on the U-166
link.  Additional images from the site will be forthcoming and the site
will be updated as analysis of the data continues.

A presentation on the techniques and preliminary findings of the project
are planned for the 2004 SHA/CUA's in St. Louis.

Dan Warren
Principle Investigator
U-166 project