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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: escape question

The sub that sank in the canal was in Marathon in the Florida Keys. The home 
of the late Ron Violette was a meeting place for people with subs. In the 
years I knew him he had many subs at his home. Some dived, some were never 

The sub that sank had only made a few dives. Supposedly the hull was made of 
a highly modified pipe cap. Along the sides were 2 pipes holding batteries. 
The batteries had no catylators.

The plan was to to dive on a wreck in 500'. Ron's dock along the canal had 2 
large cranes. The crew put the sub in the water in preperation of towing. A 
few guys were in the sub. When the pipe holding the batteries blew off it's 
end cap, the sub listed to one side and sank in the 15' deep canal. Everyone 
escaped unharmed.

Unfotunately the sub suffered thousands in damage. As far as I know it never 
dove again by the owner. He sold it later. 

Berny Shomstein
P O Box 1644
Miami, FL 33233	
> On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 16:54:54 +0000 bmshomstein@att.net writes:
> >
> >I know 2 incidents where subs were ditched then salvaged.
> >
> >The Alvin sank and sat on the bottom for a year in the 1960s. I don't 
> >remember the entire story, it's in the book "Water Baby".
> In about a mile of water, as I recall.    A bit rich for my blood.
> >The other was a sub some friends sank in a canal in the Florida Keys. 
> >An external battery pod exploded and the sub sank in the canal. The sub 
> >was quickly raised.
> Do we have a good report on this one?   I've never heard of it.
> >
> >--
> >Berny Shomstein
> >P O Box 1644
> >Miami, FL 33233	
> >
> >
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