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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Composite pressure hull?

I think the avearage dept of the Great Salt Lake in Utah is only 11'
bob duncan

Coalbunny <coalbunny@vcn.com> wrote:
Yeah, I'd like to have a big sub, but cost is a prime factor. Funny
thing is that I really don't need to go very deep. I expect the max.
depth to be used is maybe 250', and that's pushing it. I feel
comfortable saying max. use depth is 150'. With an airlock for
gathering samples.

Long range capability isn't necessary, but being able to stay down for
several days at a stretch would be nice. I feel that max. operating
time submerged be 36 hours for two people. Alvin itself is designed for
max. operating time of 8 hours and an emergency duration of 72 hrs. with
three people. Mine would be 72 hours for two people.

I seriously doubt I will ever take it into open water, aka ocean or bay
or whatever, it's gonna stay in landlocked water bodies. Maybe the
Great Salt Lake, but not Humboldt Bay or the Pacific ocean.

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