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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hull failure calculation sheet

> It may take more then a spread sheet, but it is 
> possible with adequate cash and elbo-grease. Keep
> dreaming Ryan. Your sub may get toned down as you add
> up the weight and consider cost per pound, but there
> ain't no harm in dreaming.
> ----
Yah. I didna think to make sub 'til after Ryan did cost check. He's intent on single hull, no huge water ballast tanks, making ballast a significant cost, even at buck a pound for lead.
Based on that, I'm using off-the-shelf sewer pipe parts, very small internal volume. Torpedo shape is as small as possible for a sub. Think I have 2500 lb dry weight. And 1500 lb payload after structure. 
I didn't know anything about batteries til a month ago. Me 'n Ryan have figured out how to roll our own that match top-end batteries. Sure, we'll screw it up the first few times. But once prototype works, we'll scale up and put the labour in. There are part-marks for tenacity.
BTW, other than point-and-shoot, I knew nothing about ammo design a few years ago. You'll be seeing a suite of 'Snider cal' round coming out in the next years, meeting particular mission needs. I have no technical training, just passion and the ability to learn. It's enough.