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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Composite pressure hull?

Yes, if you found gold nuggets at 15,000' there should be enough to make it worth your while!!!
Size is a relative issue. Make it bigger. The composite would be much lighter, and allow more instruments inside, although probably require more ballast.
  bob duncan

Coalbunny <coalbunny@vcn.com> wrote:
I found the stuff I had on Alvin, but it's in hardcopy. I really like
the design they have for Alvin, but I have a bit of a problem with it's
size. Small interior, huge exterior. And honestly, I don't see how I
would benefit from going that far down. I don't figure I'd find and
gold nuggets at 15,000', and if I did find gold I wouldn't know how to
get it home.

Alec Smyth wrote:
> For anyone who might be in the vicinity of Washington DC, you might enjoy an artifact that is displayed on the grounds of the Navy Museum. It's a spare titanium pressure hull from Alvin. It's amazingly small.
> Alec
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Duncan [mailto:katsurencho@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Sat 10/11/2003 4:24 PM
> To: Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org
> Cc:
> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Composite pressure hull?
> I'm afraid i probably won't be ready to start the design of my own submarine for another year.
> Alvin the deep sea research submarine designed by Al Vine of Woods Hole Institute uses a titanium pressure hull.
> I have an intrest in designing a similar pressure hull, but using a relatively thin sheet or layer, of pure aluminum (1100 alloy), and wraping it with layers of roven woven (fiberglass cloth), and using epoxy resin. Which has been used in the marine industry for years.
> High pressure gas containers (both sphere and cylinders), have been around for years. They hold an internal pressure of 10,000 psi (working pressure). I would think this would be very feasible for an even higher external pressure.
> The areas of concern are the places where electric or hydraulic connections go thru the pressure hull.
> Bob Duncan
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Two guiding principles govern Israel Naval Commando doctrine:

1.Every defense system is vulnerable.

2.The enemy can deal with weapons and operational methods that are known; for that reason, naval commandos use imagination, daring and initiative, to create situations which cannot be anticipated.

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