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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] concret submarine, hatches, connectors, viewports, bubbles, classification

With enough wave-action generators or thermal-current
generators seacrete could become economical. It is a
superior building material. However, I just don't see
anyone building the string of generators just to make
seacrete. One of the other related options was
minced tires mixed with a binder and then cast. This
would also be cheap and durable, but no information
concerning bedding hatches and viewports is available.


--- dinosnider666@spacemail.com wrote:
> > Wow,   My hat is off to you my friend !!!!  That
> is an extraordinary achievement to actually build a
> concrete sub in the face of so many saying that it
> can't be done!  Somebody should bring that sub back
> up form the bottom of the lake !  By now it is
> probably even stronger than it was when it was
> first....
> -----
> D: Ditto -awesome!
> Had idea to seal sunk oil tankers in seacrete. There
> are times when concrete won't work. 
> Seacrete 'ages well' too - magnesium leaches out,
> replaced by calcium calcite crystals. 
> Somebody recently made fast-curing concrete that is
> co2 sink to boot - so that 'schtick' of seacrete
> just went bye-bye.
> Not sure if a one-shot purchase price on a
> water-based generator could make seacrete ever be
> cost-effective or not.
> If make big enough, then no need for transportation
> to water/how lift issue. Just leave in, roll over to
> work on certain parts. 
> Guess Romans made concrete -even figured out blood
> stops frost damage. 
> Had no immediate plans for seacrete - just looking
> into coatings, sealants et al.  A 'pie in the sky'
> long-term future plan involved going for the
> displacement record. Don't think will otherwise
> outperform a Typhoon class, though.
> Found great marine-theme news site, huge collection
> of articles.
> underwatertimes.com
>  Guess Aussie Collins class runs so quiet that it
> stomped USA subs in exercises.

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