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diagroto@ibague.cetcol.net.co schrieb:
> Hello Carsten,
> You are the guy that visited me on lake Atter right?

No - I never saw it in real - just a bad photocopy of a picture from a
shows the plain hull without sail or rudders during lauching into the
And swimming with the waterline on about centerline - so probably
without interior equipment. 

> Will do my best to get a couple of pictures online.
> Had some tube connections in molding process (complicated) but found out that
> this is not necessary in practice.
> If you just hammer a hole trough the wall (remember 18cm not a delicate work
> no risk of cracks) and pop a tube cable whatever trough, close the hole
> (around tube, cable) with the kind of rapid binding cement used for fixing
> screws in concrete and later cover the whole thing with bitumen or silikon it
> will not leak and it will hold.
> Just imagine a tube fixed with cement in a 18cm wall - what is the force you
> need to push it trough - if you applie 10kp force it will not move (100m
> depth) if you applie a ton probably also will not move (1000m depth) so
> special connectors are not necessary as long as wall is that thick. Make hole
> big enough to have place for rapid binding cement around it.

The problem seems the same as on GRP hulls - how calculate this bugs,
and small mistake and errors.. Classification might be a problem.. 
You can have two hulls, more or less indentical GRP hulls build by two
guys on two different days - and you get two differnet destroy pressure
hull result. 

The best way to meassure what this hull can hold - is build three and
destroy test for two - if the two get the same results - number three
get the label.. :-O 
But in general this material is intressting for P-subers because you can
form it to more or less any configuration including keel,
rudderbasements etc. An Russian Alpha style midget submarine will be
easy to make with this material. And it is a cheap material.  

Have you ever sold a hull as you offer in 1994 ? 
Best regards Carsten