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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] concrete submarine - i did it back in 1994 - worked perfectly

> Hi Wilfried, welcome here ! 
> ---
Oh yeah.
1) is it waterproof?
2) would it dissolve at certain ocean temperature/ph combinations?
(CaCo3 process reverse anywhere from few 100m's to 1000's, depending.)
3) how does it take a silicon-based coating?
Really would like to seal mine with what amount to UV-baked on glass.
Or alternate with silicon based layer every second, cycle with each brine batch, so cannot strip off more than few mm's at time no matter how long the time frame in certain setting.

Curious about allowing 1atm using thin tube to surface, dump down to deep where osmosis will squeeze out fresh water - scoop that. Take brine and dump into fast-track seacrete vat.
Can use soluble gas bubble entrainment ? gas lift ? to ferry it up.
Kinda like OTECs.
