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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] enquiry - Surface Propulsion

> Hi All,
> how does everyone provide propulsion when on the surface with a fully autonomous submersible?
> ----
Well... first of all, I'd like to say that I have no idea what I'm talking about. My 'thing' is military cartridge design.
I really mostly think about subs as projectiles. It seems to work.

Anyway, What about a 'thru system'. If the propellor is standard and external, then you'd need an optional tubing to slide over, and a pipe system thru (presumably) lower hull that pulls water in front and out back - like a jet ski. Propellor, now enclosed in sleeve, uses 'out vents' for said water.

Playing with dual tube idea. Big hollow 'donut' center sucks in water - also removes hi drag point at front/centre - effectively a much smaller hull for drag purposes.
I'm interested in the sonar stealth aspect also. The cross section, if the inner cylinder is 1/3 the dia., is effectively 1/3 the OD. 
And it is a gosh-darn sweet place to put the propellor, away from all harm. And people.
Either hafta stick motor in front, essentially 'outside' -electric?, or feed on crankshaft on perpendicular - ?
Dual cylinder has water pushing in and out - on each hull. With support struts, could handle a lotta pressure, I think.
I planned a sphere with an external drag contour (mostly at back), and a n arched 'octet truss' for great strength.
Pie in sky -but I AM getting my dual citizenship with Lithuania, and they have a sea too. Wanna break the displacement record. Figure a solid 155' sphere could do it. So maybe 175' with intake. Need walls in excess of yard thick of limestone, er,seacrete. And coupla years at least, to grow it. Some rebar, and a whole lotta chicken wire.