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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] photo album update

> Hi,    I'm not clear on how your sub functions,  is it an abient design?  Is the engine sealed off when you are submerged ?
> Thanks 
> -Brian
> ---
If abient means seals off, then yeah.
Batteries, no need for air, 'n really like safety margin of seperate from rest of passenger too. 
For the record, I need more coin before I build.
I'm pricing components, starting with hull.
Looking like hopefully fairly thin 26" sewer pipe, x70 if i can find - found place in Australia that makes. 1/4 to 1/2" support rings. Alterante/cover with pvc pipe - just nice finish. plus cold water - want air space.  It's 24"OD so gonna cut along and wedge it open on c. 1" cable line along base.
Thinking air tanks filling whole cross section in front for weight.
Hmm, need sealed off to offset with water. 
Or could have variable keep-nose-down front fins, would hafta vary speed to keep horizontal - see deep flight.
Will be operating out of Chatsworth area in Ontario, have access to fancy metal shop with full welding setup.
Think would like passenger compartment to be c. twice thickness as rear, just for tip-too-light issue. Reduces theoretical depth, but heh, I'm just gonna be scooting around Georgian Bay at 100' - and we could get math to say >3000'!!!!