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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] photo album update

Ambient design  -  sorry index finger took holiday

Strictly conceptual?  looks like your almost ready for the water!  Where are you planning to test and or operate ?  


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <dinosnider666@spacemail.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>; <tree_of_life_@hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] photo album update

> > Hi,    I'm not clear on how your sub functions,  is it an abient design?  Is the engine sealed off when you are submerged ? 
> > 
> > Thanks 
> > 
> > -Brian
> > 
> >---
> Still hashing out details -strictly conceptual right now.
> Abient - ???
> Yeah, I totally want engine sealed off. Thinking about 2 seperate hull thicknesses cuz gonna be way rear heavy.
> Pondering need for lil 'lift wings' or downlift front/rear. Dunno yet.
> Concept: USA military never made superheavy torpedo to fill 660mm tubes. But does make for quiet waterfilled launch for heavy ones.
> Anyway, a man fits in a 26"OD/c. 24" tube.
> Slap a motor on it (emulating IMP on isolation mount), or just 2 cannisters if not, and you have personal 'wheels' or at least escape buoys. No reason could not become basis for remotes also. Esp. if can make engine totally seperate, have good balance on man- module.
> We exceeded 3000' on theoretical hull depth using excel macro.
> Inspired by abject failure of $300 navy seal minisub boondoggle. Dunno why would not use the 'sea dagger' of euro design anyway.
> Very rough back-of-envelope math says filling rear with battery packs plus payload gets all weight to add up correctly.
> I won't claim the idea is finished.
> Arguing with bud 'water tank' Ryan about face forward/down or up/back design. He likes monitor, I want idiotproof no electronics nothing fancy. Especially for money reasons. KISS too.
> May hafta gofer a back/up face design, just so can stuff tip full of air tanks, to keep the tip level - balance issues. Inspired by euro antitank missile, with hollow cylinder fuel tank at front at HEAT charge behind, goes thru centre. They did it for spacing, but it will address my centre of balance just fine. Would really like KISS mirror reflecto arrangement.
> Thinking plexiglass type hemisphere tip for lights et al. 
> He wants a 'fighter cockpit' entry design. I'm thinking of end cap on hinge, or maybe at centrepoint of hull. Crack open like shotgun. Dunno yet.
> I take advice!
> D.