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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] question for technical divers

Hi, Al:
        The Newtsuit was originally designed with a large back-entry
hatch.The hatch was strapped on separately and contained a Steinke-style
hood ( but bigger) and the suits life support and a bottle of diluent To
bail , you stand on the bottom with hatch at highest point ( you are angled
forward by shifting your weight) open flood valve - when water is about
chest level you operate a lever that undoes hatch cams - you pull the hood
over your head and secure it and you then use all on-board gas to to blow
it the last  poundage required to equalize with outside pressure. You come
out of the suit like a crustacean molting its shell! Next stop. the surface
( or slightly above, depending on speed!.)
        In  the 1985 design we went to a waist entry ( long story) we
planned to do essentially the same thing, but use the upper torso as the
escape pod. It was never offered as an option once the suit bacame tethered
( that is, once we started using the thruster - pack) 
        The self escape feature will be built into the new Exosuit.
Phil Nuytten