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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] My plans for a personal sub


    My name is Chris and i'm fairly new to this list, but I
saw that you were planning to use 2 car batteries in your
sub. I would personally not recommend this because car
batteries are made to send hundreds of amps to a motor for a
very short period of time, not a nice long draw of oh, lets
say 34 Amps (24V @ 1HP =~ (800 Watts) because of motor
inefficency). You would benifit in the long run by buying a
pair of deep cycle batteries, which are made to put out a
more constant current for a longer period of time. Marine
deep cycle batteries would be the best.

    Note: The lead plates in car batteries are more porus
than the plates in the deep cycle batteries. The larger
surface area of the car battery plates is what enables them
to put out those hundreds of amps for a short period of

   Anyone disagree?

----- Original Message Follows -----
> Hi, I am a person that is VERY interested in building a
> small 2 man submarine capable of going about 50 feet deep
> in fresh-water. I plan on building it with a large propane
> storage tank, and using 2 car batteries, a trolling motor,
> a small 1.5 horsepower edger motor (with a snorkel for
> getting air and venting exhaust) for charging the
> batteries and compressing air, 2 regular size helium
> storage tanks for reserve air, and 3 variable sized tanks
> for ballast. Any advice you have is welcome and much
> appreciated, since I have very little experience with
> submarines but am anxious to learn more and build one of
> my own.
>     Thanks for your time,
>  A amateur submarine enthusiast

--Chris Burchett

Some People die with their dreams inside them, and some
people die inside their dreams. SAFETY FIRST!

--Borrowed from someone else.