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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Diesel engine

Dear fellow Personal Sub Builders:

I’ve been a member of this massage board for some time and I joined it because I felt it had valuable information to be given, and possibly something that I could give in return. I’ve seen many members request that they be removed from the massage board system. That is a shame because I’m sure that they all had good ideas or good quistions to share with us. When I open my mail I see 40 or more massages that refer to nothing that could possibly be construed as "Useful Submarine Construction Information". I know that we’re all serious builders and that we understand that time is often the one thing that we just don’t have enough of. So for the good of all new and old members it would be courteous of us to keep the massage board specifically for submarine construction methods and concepts. Let’s face it guys, few of us have any concerns or requirement for the engine that Sulcer built. I feel it’s unfair to the original philosophy of this information massage board to take up our time reading about trivia that could be better served if it where relayed by direct E Mail between the interested parities. Every massage that hits this board has the authors actual e-mail address posted along with the massage. For the good of all involved, let’s do some "copying and pasting", so we can all make better use of our time. Incidentally, "Sulcer" also built the SPT-16 Tourist Class Submarine that can be seen at WWW.U.S.Submarines.com . It’s probably the most significant tourist submarine ever built. I’ve been in it several times and it’s gorgeous. The last submarine that I owned was the Nekton Gamma that was built by Mr. Dug Privit out in California. It was a wonderful submarine to maintain and operate and is an excellent example for any one trying to design a personal submarine. The view ports on the Nekton where ABS classed at the time that Mr. Privit built it, but the method is no longer approved by ABS.    D.J.B.

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